Kalyana Mandapams (Wedding Halls)
The Devasthanam also maintains a number of Kalyana Mandapams (Wedding Halls) for the convenience of devotees who wish to conduct Hindu weddings in the sacred precincts. Rates quoted are per day from 4pm until 4pm and include only the basic hall facility. Extras such as food catering and guest accommodations are the individual responsibility of the marriage parties.
For reservations of Kalyana Mandapams, contact the Devasthanam Information Centre.
Kalyana Mandapam
Rental period
Rate per day
Govindammal Athittanar Kalyana Mandapam
Marriages and other functions
4 pm to 4 pm
Rs 1,150
RamCo Tirukalyana Annadana Mandapam
For annadanam only
Skandavel Sashti Virutha Mandapam (Idumban Temple)
Locker and stay with bath facilities (max. 75 people)
Ladies and Gents
Rs 5 per day
Ladies Sashti Virutha Manapam
Stay with common bath & toilets
Ladies Only
Rs 5 per day
Singapore Govindaswamipillai Kalai Arangam
Marriages and other functions
4 pm to 4 pm
Rs 1,050
 Ladies' Sashti Virutha Mandapam |
Other Facilities
- For single persons locker and stay facility (50 people) are available in Senthil Andavan Viduthi for Rs 5/ per person per day.
- Locker facilities available in Teyvayanai Illam in front of the Temple for Rs 5 per piece per day.
Particulars provided by:
- Mr. P. Alagiri, Superintendent, Devasthanam Accommodations
- Mr. R. Ganapathy (Peishkar), Devasthanam Public Relations Officer
- V. Śivanathan, Manager, Devasthanam Accommodations
- S. Subramanian, Devasthanam Accommodations Clerk
For further details call (04639) 2442271