Pujas, Abhishekas and Processions
Temple Function
5:00 am
Temple opens
5:10 am
5:35 am
6:15 am
Udayamartandam Abhishekam
7 am
Udayamarithanelam Dīpārādhanai
7:30 to 8:30 am
Kāla Sandhi Pūja
10:30 am
Vehi Kāla Abhishekam
Utchikālam Dīpārādhanai
5 to 5:30 pm
Sayaratchai Dīpārādhanai
7:15 pm
Ardha-jaman or Rakkālam Abhishekam
7:45 pm
Rakkālam Dīpārādhanai
8:00 pm
Ekāntam Potri Archanai
8:30 pm
Ekāntam Dīpārādhanai
8:45 pm
8:45 to 9:00 pm
Palli Arai Dīpārādhanai
9:01 pm
Temple closes
The protocol for daily worship here is known Kumara Tantram. Eight times a day, poojas are done to Lord Subramanyar. On Vishakam nakshatiram day as well as during Chittirai Vishu and Aippasi Vishu, special pujas are done to the Lord.
Every day, processions are carried out in the inner sanctum and on the last Friday of every month, the uthsava murti is taken on a procession in the outer prakaram, along with his consorts. Special processions are conducted on days like Karttikai, Vishakam asterisms and Sashti.
Pujas are conducted daily to the deities. The timings in the table at right have been attested by the Sthaladhār Sabhā and are current as of Kanda Sasti 2001. The major daily pujas are:
- Suprabhātam
- Viswarūpam
- Udayamartandam
- Mudal-kālasandhi, Ciru-Kālasandhi and Periya-kālasandhi
- Utchikālam
- Sayaratchai
- Ardha-jaman or Rakkalam
- Ekāndam
- Palli-arai Dīpārādhanai or the Lord's rest
Worshippers receive here the Lord's prasādam of sacred ashes put into pannīr leaves known as ilai vipūti. The significance of the peculiar custom followed in almost all the Saivite temples in the district has to be connected perhaps to the introduction of Potris as the archakas of this foremost temple, and who thus perpetuated their aloofness without a physical contact with the worshippers. And it may even be the pannīr leaves have a peculiar sanctity and the retention of the magnetic effects of the prasadam.
Abishekas are conducted to the principal deity, Subrahmanyam, thrice during the day and to Shanmukha on every Visāka Nakshatra in the month and on the first of Chittirai and Aippasi months.
On the last Friday of each Tamil month, Senthil Nāyakar with His consorts are taken round the outer giri-prakāra of the temple in procession on mayil vākanam as an ubaya kattalai by the Nadar community, out of an endowment trust fund from Nagercoil. Processions within the inner prakaras are conducted on every monthly Tiru-Kārttikai, Visākam, Sashti and on the first of every Chittirai and Aippasi months.
Nine pooja kalams are observed daily.
The temple is open from 5.00 am till 9.00 pm.
Subrapadam - Thirupalli Eluchi
Viswaroopam Darshan
Dwajasthamba Namaskaram
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
Udaya Marthanda Deeparadhanai
8.00 to 8.30
Kalasandhi Pooja
Kalasha Pooja
Uchikala Abishegam
Uchikala Deeparadhanai
Sayaratchai Pooja
Arthasama Abishegam
Arthasama Pooja
Ekanda Seva
Ragasia Deeparadhanai, Palliarai Pooja
Night |
9.00 |
Nadai Thirukappiduthal |
Pooja Time, Charity and Rate Details
Potris perform poojas for Lord Subramanyan, Śivacharyas for Lord Shanmugha and Iyyangars for Lord Perumal.
Monthly Special Poojas
1. On the Visakam day Special Abishegam for Lord Shanmuga is performed and the procession of deity during night is conducted.
2. Special Pooja is performed on Sukla Sashti day in every Tamil month and the procession of deity during night takes place.
3. 108 Thiruvilakku pooja is performed on the Karthigai day every month. Special Abishegam is performed to Jayanthi Nathar and the Utsava idol is taken in the golden chariot in the night.
4. On the first day of every Tamil month, Ganapathy Homam and Special Pooja are performed. The Utsava idol is taken in procession during night.
5. On the last Friday of every Tamil month Special Pooja and procession of Utsava idol is conducted.
6. On the first day of Chithirai month Annabhishegam and Special Pooja are performed and a procession of Utsava idol is conducted during night.
7. During the Purattasi month Navarathiri festival is conducted for 9 days.
8. On the first day of the Iyppasi month Annabhishegam and Special Poojas are performed and the procession of Utsava idol is conducted.
9. On the Panguni Uthiram day the Thirukalayanam of Arulmigu Valli is celebrated.
Yearly Special Pooja Details |
First day of "Chittirai" month sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
5.00 AM
6.15 AM
Last Friday of every month sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
4.00 AM
6.00 AM
"Vaigasi Visakam" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
2.00 AM
Next day of "Vaigasi Visakam" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
4.00 AM
5.00 AM
"Aavani Festival" first day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
2.00 AM
"Aavani Festival" second day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Aavani" festival seventh day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
2.00 AM
"Iyppasi Vishu" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
5.00 AM
6.00 AM
"Deepavali Festival" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Kantha Sasti" first day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
2.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Kantha Sasti" second day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Kantha Sasti" third day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Kantha Sasti" fourth day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Kantha Sasti" fifth day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Kantha Sasti" sixth day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
2.00 AM
"Kantha Sasti Thirukalayanam" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
First day of the month of "Karthigai" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.15 AM
"Margazhi" month sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
During "Thiruvadirai" in the month of "Margazhi" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
2.00 AM
3.00 AM
English New Year sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
4.00 AM
Pongal festival sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
4.00 AM
Kaanum Pongal sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
4.00 AM
5.15 AM
"Tai Poosam" sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
2.00 AM
3.15 AM
Preceeding day of "Tai Poosam" festival sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
4.00 AM
5.00 AM
"Maasi" festival first day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
2.00 AM
"Māsi" festival second day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
3.00 AM
4.00 AM
"Māsi" festival seventh day sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
1.00 AM
2.00 AM
"Panguni Uttiram" sanctum sanctorum door will open
Udaya Marthanda Abishegam
4.00 AM
5.00 AM