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Devasthānam Library

by on June 27, 2021

The Saraswati Pandaram or the Devasthānam Library or the free Reading Room is an institution which has grown in within the recent years. The value of a Public Library and Reading Room as an adjunct to any temple could not be over-estimated. The Chola and Pandya temples of antiquity had always attached to them a good library of sacred and philosophic literature, and halls where religious discourses were held. The Vedas and Agamas were besides expounded there by scholars.

The present habitation of the Library has been secured after renovating a spacious old room used formerly for the storage of split-fuel. What was available out of a personal collection of books by Arumukha Swāmin for his studies formed the nucleus of this library. After his demise, these books were made available to worshippers at the Shanmukha Vilāsa. They are now given a separate and permanent habitation.

It has recently been augmented by a collection of books of classical, historical, religious and archaeological interest, out of an annual budgeted allotment from the Devasthanam funds for its maintenance. A gift of an almirah, numerous books and a full size portrait of His Holiness, the former Adhena-karta of Tiruvavaduthurai Mutt which the Library now adorns are recent welcome additions from His Holiness.