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Śrī Murugānanda Sangeeta Tiruppukazh Sabhā

by on June 22, 2021
Śrī Murugānanda Sangeeta Tiruppukazh Sabha members

As an ancient temple town, Tiruchendur is home to ancient traditions, of which Kanda Sasti festival is the most famous. Like any ancient pilgrimage center, however, Tiruchendur has witnessed slow but steady change over the centuries. Over the centuries, for instance, there have been times when local kings felt that more Brahmin priests were required to conduct the elaborate services for Lord Senthil Andavar. Today, however, there are so many Iyer families in Tiruchendur that most can scarcely make a decent livelihood by continuing their ancestral calling.

One of Tiruchendur’s fading traditions is its Śrī Murugānanda Sangeeta Tiruppukazh Sabha, the ‘Assembly for Music of Divine Praise of Murugan’. The Sabha has maintained its own spacious Tiruppukazh Manimandiram hall since its founding over sixty years ago. Even today a resident brahmachari maintains the hall and conducts daily services at its shrine room.

Sabhā shrine room: M.S. Muttusubramaniya Deekshidar (left) and son M. Shankar (right) are among the stalwart supporters of Śrī Murugānanda Sangeeta Tiruppukazh Sabhā

But the aging and dwindling population of Tiruppukazh devotees in Tiruchendur finds it difficult to maintain its center there and has appealed to Murugan Bhakti to save it from eventual collapse. The entire center has been offered to Murugan Bhakti enthusiasts to develop into a residential ashram.

For details about Tiruchendur and the Tiruchendur Tiruppukazh Manimantiramproject, write to:

Muthu Subramania Deeshidar, Trustee
Śrī Murugānanda Sangeeta Tiruppukazh Sabhā
63, South Car Street
Tiruchendur 628 215, Tuticorin District, Tamil Nadu, India

Tel. (091) 4639 2445731

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